Home ஆரோக்கியம் People who don’t have BP don’t need to worry about salt.. True.....

People who don’t have BP don’t need to worry about salt.. True.. False..?

Salt is bad for the body. It is said that even if salt is taken in full, blood pressure will rise. There is a saying that unsalted goods are in the trash. Just like you can’t eat without salt, you can’t add too much salt. But salt is not only added to food. Salt is leached into many foods that are packaged as snacks. Salt is common in the kitchen anyway. But taking it is still controversial in the medical field. Now let’s know what are the facts and myths about it.

Eating salt only increases blood pressure

People who don't have BP don't need to worry about salt.. True.. False..?-oneindia news

What’s true: If you thought salt intake could cause high blood pressure, think again. Too much salt can cause gastric cancer, peptic ulcers, Bone problems and lead to neurological problems. Although high salt intake is not the exclusive cause of high blood pressure, it does trigger an increase. So adding salt can lead to various deadly diseases including high blood pressure.

Is sodium salt the same?

What is true: No. Sodium is a mineral found in salt and other natural substances. Table salt contains 40% sodium. One teaspoon of table salt contains 2300 milligrams of sodium, according to the American Heart Association. This is the maximum amount of sodium you should eat in a day. People with or at risk of high blood pressure should not consume more than 1500 milligrams of sodium per day.

Eating salt affects everyone the same way

What’s true: It’s believed that everyone is affected by salt in our bodies in the same way. Not really. Many studies show that many people are resistant or sensitive to salt. Also the amount of salt depends on various factors like age, body type, diet and race.

The body may be sensitive to salt if it retains too much water. They can cause side effects when it continues for a long time. So the effect of salt on the body can vary from person to person.

If you reduce the salt in your diet, the body will get less salt

Don’t think that if you don’t add salt to your food, it won’t add too much salt. Salt is added to all kinds of processed foods – found in so-called healthy foods like whole wheat bread and in meats, vegetables and fruits and many whole foods.

Sometimes more than expected Salt Pay attention to all of them because you can buy foods that contain them.

Eating sea salt and Himalayan salt is healthy

Fact: Sea salt comes from evaporated seawater. Himalayan salt is mined and obtained. If you thought these were healthy substitutes for table salt, think again. That is not true. They are not refined. Contains large crystals. So they should be used sparingly.

No need to worry about salt if you don’t have high blood pressure

The truth: Don’t think you don’t need to worry about salt if you don’t have high blood pressure. This is actually a myth. No need to be as cautious as someone with high blood pressure. However, you should pay attention to your daily sodium intake. Excessive sodium intake may increase the risk of high blood pressure. Or it can cause other health problems in the future.

Eat table salt to prevent iodine deficiency

Fact: Iodine added to table salt may cause it to stick to table salt as sea salt and Himalayan salt do not. But Dairy products, get enough iodine from foods like eggs and fish. So you don’t need to rely on salt alone for iodine deficiency.

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