Artificial Insemination Treatment IVF Treatment Dos and Don’ts After Embryo Transfer to Improve Your Chances of a Successful Pregnancy It is important to know what to avoid. A few things that can be done carefully will definitely promote a healthy delivery. Let’s see about this now.
Why should women be careful during IVF treatment?
IVF treatment is a treatment for couples who are unable to conceive naturally. It begins by collecting sperm from the male and eggs from the female. These are processed in the right environment and the embryo is formed. The embryo is then transferred directly to the uterus. After that a pregnancy test will be taken after 14 days. However, to increase the success of this treatment, the woman should pay more attention during the whole process. So you should know the do’s and don’ts during this IVF treatment.
Rest is essential after IVF treatment
After embryo transfer, the body needs rest to rest and recover. In this case, listening to music keeps the mind calm. Reading or gentle walking can also help. But it is better to avoid strenuous exercises and activities that increase stress.
Healthy diet after IVF treatment
It is important to get the right nutrients for the body. Eat as many whole foods as possible, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Keep hydrated by drinking water and fresh fruit juices throughout the day.
Medicines and treatment after IVF treatment
Adherence to medications and treatment regimens prescribed by the fertility specialist is essential. These may include hormone supplements or medications that enhance the implantation process. It should be taken without skipping a beat as it increases the chances of successful implantation.
Reducing stress after IVF treatment
Stress should be avoided after embryo transfer. Yoga, meditation, spending time with close friends and relaxation can help reduce stress. Stay away from potentially stressful situations. It is important to develop a positive attitude.
Why not exercise after IVF treatment?
Gentle walking can be done after treatment. But avoid vigorous physical activity, heavy lifting or vigorous exercise. These actions may increase the risk of uterine trauma. and may affect the implantation process. Light exercises should be done only if prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise it is better to avoid.
Do not take hot bath after IVF treatment
Hot baths or baths exposing the body to excessive heat should be avoided after embryo transfer. This hot temperature can negatively affect the embryo implantation process.
Things to Avoid After IVF Treatment
Caffeine should be avoided before embryo transfer, as well as caffeine medications and alcohol after treatment. These may affect the implantation status of the embryo. It can also increase the risk of complications.
Avoid alcohol and smoking, as does caffeine. It can harm pregnancy.