8 kg gold worth Rs 6 crore seized at Chennai airport – 9 people arrested

They seized 8 kg of gold worth Rs 5.6 crore smuggled from Dubai, Singapore and Sri Lanka at the Chennai airport. 9 of them have been arrested.

In the raid conducted by the officials of the Central Revenue Intelligence Department, 9 smuggled passengers who arrived in 3 flights were arrested and further investigation was carried out.

8 kg gold worth Rs 6 crore seized at Chennai airport - 9 people arrestedIn the Union government’s fiscal statement, the retail price of gold in India has come down significantly as import duty on gold has been drastically reduced. But in the next few days the price of gold started rising gradually again.

In this situation, in the Union financial report, since the import duty on gold has been reduced, it was expected that the smuggling of gold from abroad to India will reduce drastically from now on. But as gold prices in India have gradually started to rise again, smugglers seem to have resumed their smuggling activities.

8 kg gold worth Rs 6 crore seized at Chennai airport - 9 people arrestedIn this situation, the officials of the Central Revenue Intelligence Department in Thiagaraya city, Chennai received confidential information that huge amount of smuggled gold is being brought in flights coming to Chennai from foreign countries. Following this, the Central Revenue Intelligence Department special forces officers came to the Chennai International Airport on Wednesday midnight and secretly monitored the passengers coming from abroad.

Then a private passenger plane arrived in Chennai from Singapore. When the passengers came out, the officials of the Central Revenue Intelligence Department, who were secretly monitoring, stopped and searched the 3 suspected passengers. They were also taken to a separate room and thoroughly searched and found to have hidden gold bars, gold pastes and gold jewelery in their underwear, handbags etc. After this, they arrested them and confiscated the gold.

8 kg gold worth Rs 6 crore seized at Chennai airport - 9 people arrestedFurther, in the investigation conducted by the officials of the Central Revenue Intelligence Department, they said that in both the private passenger plane coming from Dubai to Chennai and the private passenger plane coming from Sri Lanka to Chennai, the smuggling sparrows were carrying gold bars like this.

Immediately, the officials of the Central Revenue Intelligence Department followed up the passengers on the two flights and stopped and searched the 6 suspected passengers. They also confiscated secret compartments in their handbags and gold ornaments, gold bars etc hidden in their clothes.

The officials of the Central Revenue and Intelligence Department confiscated about 8 kg of gold from 9 passengers who came on these three flights namely Singapore, Dubai and Sri Lanka. Its international value is around Rs 5.6 crore.

Following this, the Central Revenue Intelligence Department officers who confiscated the gold arrested all the 9 passengers and took them to their office in Thiagaraya Nagar, Chennai, where they are continuing the investigation.

Gold smuggling has increased again at the Chennai airport and the incident of 8 kg of smuggled gold worth Rs 5.6 crore was caught from nine passengers who arrived in three flights on the same day.