Chennai : In today’s cinema, some actresses don’t visit even to promote their film. It is said that even if you have to come to the event, you will be asked to pay for it separately. Actress Aparnathy, who is especially famous for acting in the film Jail, has now finished acting in the film Naarkarapore.
The promotion of this film was held in Chennai a few days ago. All the celebrities who acted in the film were present in it. But Aparnathy, who plays an important role in the film, did not attend the show. Producer Suresh Kamakshi, who spoke on the stage pointing out his non-appearance, asked Aparnathy for Rs 3 lakh to come to the promotion.
He said that he will come to the promotion program if he pays 3 lakhs. Tamil cinema does not need an actress like her, it is very painful that she said this,” said Suresh Kamatshi. Seeing this, the netizens scolded actress Aparnathy as a very bad act.
In this situation, producer K. Rajan recently spoke about the actress not coming to the promotion in an interview given to a YouTube channel. Talking about this, he said, “Many people have come to promote a film starring an actress. In that I will not come for the promotion and asking them to give me 5 lakhs is very wrong.
Asking this to promote one’s own film is a very despicable thing. It is very wrong to ask like this because the salary for the film is not enough. The biggest thing we get from promoting the film is that our name is still out there. K. Rajan said that they should not indulge in such despicable activities.
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