Appointment of Special Committee to Resolve Salary Discrepancies in Government Service

The Cabinet has approved the appointment of a committee to take action on pay disparities in the civil service.

In the cabinet meeting held yesterday (27), 08 resolutions have been approved in the cabinet.

Considering the issues submitted by the employees and their respective trade unions regarding the salary disparity between various employees in the government service, the Cabinet has authorized the appointment of an expert committee to examine the issues of the said salary disparities and submit a report so that the said disparities can be addressed through the budget plan for the year 2025.

02. Upgrading the infrastructure facilities of the Vanasivarasis Tourist Resorts owned by the Vanasivarasis Conservation Department.

There are 52 tourist lodges currently being managed by the Department of Wildlife, and it has been found that the physical facilities of the said lodges need to be increased in order to provide better quality services. It has been found appropriate to carry out physical development in a manner that does not contradict the provisions of the Flora and Fauna Protection Ordinance, in order to be able to provide quality services to the said tourist resorts by getting the cooperation of private sector companies and parties who are willing to volunteer and provide cooperation for the said works.

Accordingly, the Cabinet has approved the idea submitted by the Minister of Conservation of Forest Resources and the concerned parties and the concerned parties to receive the request for preference.

03. Holding of the 60th Session of the International Tengu Community and Ministerial Meeting in Sri Lanka in 2024

It is proposed to hold the 60th Conference and Ministerial Meeting of the International Coconut Community in Sri Lanka this year to achieve the objectives of increasing foreign exchange earnings, promoting the Sri Lankan coconut industry among member countries and enhancing collaborations among key stakeholders in the coconut industry.

Accordingly, the Cabinet has approved the idea submitted by the Minister of Agriculture and Plantations to hold the conference and ministerial meeting in Colombo in November this year in collaboration with the income earned by the Coconut Development Authority and some private companies in the coconut industry.

04. Payment of statutory dues to companies such as Sri Lanka State Plantation Corporation, People’s Estate Development Board and Elkaduwa Plantation Company Limited

More than 2,000 court cases are being investigated in various regions for non-payment of statutory payments due to companies such as Sri Lanka State Plantation Corporation, People’s Plantation Development Council and Elkaduwa Plantation Company Limited. As the income of the respective companies is insufficient to pay the said statutory payments, it has been found appropriate to provide the necessary amount as loan from the treasury and repay the loan amount in installments from the income of the said companies.

The Commissioner General of Industries has the power under the provisions of the Employees’ Provident Fund Act No. 15 of 1958 to deduct the amount of overpayment due after payment of the total amount of contribution to the Employees’ Provident Fund payable by the said companies.

Accordingly, to obtain from the Treasury the amount necessary for payment of statutory payments due to companies such as the Sri Lanka State Plantation Corporation, People’s Plantation Development Council and Elkaduwa Plantation Company Limited, and after payment of the said payments from the excess dues payable by the said companies under the provisions of the Employees’ Provident Fund Act No. 15 of 1958 The Cabinet has approved the proposal submitted by the President for deducting the increased amount of deductible and advising the Commissioner General.

05. Bringing Samurthi Community Level Banks and Samurthi Community Level Societies under State Audit

1,092 Samurthi Community Level Banks and 335 Samurthi Community Level Banking Associations are functioning nationwide to promote microfinance facilities. According to the provisions of Samurthi Act, community level banks and Samurthi Community Level Associations are audited annually by the Internal Audit Unit of the Samurthi Development Department and it is not mentioned in the Samurthi Development Act that it is necessary to undergo an audit by the National Audit Office. Community Banks and Samurthi Community Level Associations have been audited by the State Audit Office and identified as having the ability to maintain transparency in their operations and increase public trust and recognition.

The Cabinet has approved the idea submitted by the President as the Minister of Women and Child Affairs and Social Empowerment to amend Samurti Act No. 01 of 2018, which amended the Revival of Life (Amendment) Act No. 02 of 2017 and to advise the lawyer to prepare a bill for the same.

06. Compulsory Retirement Compensation Scheme for Amalgamation of Lanka Fertilizer Company Limited and Colombo Commercial Fertilizer Company Limited

267 employees have opted to retire under the Compulsory Retirement Compensation Scheme for the amalgamation of Lanka Fertilizer Company Limited and Colombo Commercial Fertilizer Company Limited.

Accordingly, on the recommendations of the Committee of Officers appointed under the Secretary of the Ministry regarding the retirement of additional employees in Government undertakings under the Self-Pension Scheme, for the amalgamation of the Lanka Fertilizer Company Limited and the Colombo Commercial Fertilizer Company Limited to implement the Compulsory Retirement Compensation Scheme and to implement the proposed Compulsory Retirement Scheme from the funds of the two Fertilizer Companies. The Cabinet also approved the proposal submitted by the Minister of Agriculture and Horticulture to spend Rs 844 million.

07. Provision of funding for the construction of Gampaha Biyagam General Hospital and Children’s Hospital

The demand for health services in Gampaha district is increasing day by day and the need to improve the health services structure of the said district has been identified. For that purpose, in the Cabinet meeting held on 12.02.2024, for the acquisition of 02 pieces of land (07 acres 03 rud) at Millakahavatta and Telkahavatta in Beyagama Divisional Secretariat Division for setting up a General Hospital and Children’s Hospital with all modern facilities under Public-Private Partnership approach. Authorization granted. Sontell Group Hong Kong International Limited has submitted a proposal expressing its willingness to finance the construction of the proposed hospital.

Accordingly, the cabinet has approved the proposal jointly submitted by the President and the Minister of Health to enter into a memorandum of understanding between the said company and the Government of Sri Lanka in order to obtain the necessary funds for setting up the said hospital.

08. Amending the Anti-Doping and Countermeasures Act No. 02 of 2018 and the Preventive Measures Act No. 03 of 2018

During the preparation of the Economic Transformation Bill, it has been identified that there is a need to introduce amendments to the Law No. 02 of 2018 on Overdose and Countermeasures Law and No. 03 of 2018 on Preventive Measures Laws.

A legal document has been prepared by a lawyer and the approval of the Law Chancellor has also been obtained for the said document. Accordingly, the Cabinet has approved the idea submitted by the President to publish the Amendment Bill for the Anti-Overdose and Countermeasures Act No. 02 of 2018 and the Preventive Measures Act No. 03 of 2018 in the Government Gazette and then submit it for parliamentary approval.