Benefits of keeping damma rind gourd hidden.. From Anemia to Hemorrhoids..!

turkey berry (1)

Zucchini –In this article, let’s know about which diseases pumpkin is a medicine.

Gourd is one of the curative fruits in rural areas. It is the smallest fruit in the vegetable. 100 grams of pumpkin contains 22.5 mg of iron, 390 mg of calcium and 180 mg of phosphorus. Apart from this, many more nutrients are contained in this small fruit. This fruit can also be said to be a storehouse of nutrients.

Cures stomach problems;

Pumpkin should be included in the diet frequently to kill stomach bugs. It can cure all stomach related problems. So give it to children from a young age. Due to its bitter taste, children will not eat it, so it can be made as a chutney.

Cures fever;

It is important to include pumpkin in the diet during times of fever. It increases white blood cells and cures fever quickly. It is also an excellent remedy for people suffering from allergies and itching. Apart from that, it also removes flatulence.

Cure respiratory disorders;

People suffering from asthma, dry cough and chronic chest cold should fry dry pumpkin in ghee and eat it as Vathalam. Eating gourd fried in ghee cures heartburn caused by root. And the bleeding from the source will also stop.

Rejuvenates body organs;

If you take a spoonful of dry gourd juice and mix it with buttermilk, you will get rid of stomach related problems. It also has the ability to cleanse and rejuvenate the liver and spleen in our body.

Apart from that it keeps the blood sugar level under control. Dry gourd seeds are fried in ghee and powdered and mixed with rice and eaten to cure hand and leg tremors, fainting, stomach cramps etc. caused by diabetes.

If you don’t have gourd, buy it dry and add it to your diet regularly to get rid of body waste and freshen up. Gourd can be a boon for those suffering from anemia.

So don’t be put off by the bitter nature of the gourd and enjoy its sweet medicinal properties at least two or three days a week as a gravy, chutney or concoction.