Corona is all jujube.. The life-killing bacteria that makes Japan scream.. Flesh-eating monster

Corona is all jujube.. The life-killing bacteria that makes Japan scream.. Flesh-eating monster-oneindia news

Tokyo: While countries around the world are recovering from the effects of the Corona virus, it has now been discovered that a more dangerous bacteria is spreading in Japan. While it takes at least a week for a death to occur due to the corona virus, the fact that this Japanese bacteria can kill within 48 hours has shocked the world.

At the end of 2019, no one can forget that the corona virus spread in China shook the world. Crores of people around the world and lakhs of people in India alone have become victims of the Corona pandemic.

The spread of this corona epidemic stopped completely in the year 2022. But, even today there is spread of corona virus in some countries. But it is said that there is no big fear as they have turned into a less virulent coronavirus.

With the world just now breathing a sigh of relief from the coronavirus scare, news from Japan is causing panic. A brutal flesh-eating bacteria called STSS, or Streptococcus, is spreading rapidly in Japan. Till June 2, 977 people have been infected with this bacteria. Once this STSS bacteria infects a person, it starts eating away at their flesh. The scary thing about this is that if this bacterial infection is not diagnosed and treated immediately, death will occur within 48 hours (2 days).

No cure has yet been found for this bacterial infection. These bacteria attack initially cause fever, muscle aches, nausea etc. These are just the initial symptoms. If this is left unattended, the blood pressure will drop and the organs will begin to fail one by one. This is followed by increased heart rate and shortness of breath and death within 48 hours. Doctors say that people with body injuries, people who have recently undergone surgery, people with fever, people with fungal infections, people over 50 years of age, and children are more likely to be affected by this bacteria. The only comfort in this is that this bacterial infection is less likely to spread from one person to another.