Do not touch these 5 foods.. This is the cause of half of the diseases.. Indian Council of Medical Research warns..!

According to the National Institute of Nutrition under the apex health research organization, 56.4% of all diseases in India are caused by unhealthy diet. It is claimed that these can reduce the burden of dangerous diseases by 80% through comprehensive dietary guidelines. Dr Hemalatha R, Director led The Dietary Guidelines for Indians (DGIs) published 17 new dietary guidelines after many scientific studies. Let’s get to know such a new food guide here.

Foods that pose serious risks

Do not touch these 5 foods.. This is the cause of half of the diseases.. Indian Council of Medical Research warns..!-oneindia news

New guidelines for Indians to reduce sugar intake It is also advised to reduce salt intake. It also recommends changing cooking oils.
In sugar and salt Processed foods High intake and lack of physical activity contribute to micronutrient deficiencies and overweight among Indians.

So salt, sugar, oil and fat intake should be severely reduced and taken in moderation. Also increase physical activity. Sugar must be stopped. If unavoidable, do not take more than 20-25 grams of sugar per day.

New Dietary Guidelines published by ICMR

Do not touch these 5 foods.. This is the cause of half of the diseases.. Indian Council of Medical Research warns..!-oneindia news

1. A variety of foods to ensure a balanced diet
2. Focus on dietary health and hygiene during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
3. Ensure exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and continue complementary breastfeeding for two years or more.
4. A six-month-old baby should start home-made semi-solid foods.
5. Ensure adequate and improved nutrition for children and adolescents in both health and illness.
6. Eat more vegetables and pulses daily
7. Fats and oils should be taken in moderation. Fats and essential acids are found in oil, seeds, nuts, nutritious grains, and pulses. Choose the correct one.
8. Get the right combination of good quality proteins and essential amino acids. By doing this, protein supplements should be avoided to increase muscle mass.
9. A healthy lifestyle is essential to prevent belly fat, overweight and overall obesity.
10. Physical labor is essential. Being active and exercising regularly is important to maintain health.
11. Limit salt intake
12. Food should be safe and clean
13. Cooking methods Cooking methods should be correct
14. Drink enough water
15. High fat, sugar, salt and highly processed foods should be avoided or reduced
16. Include nutritious foods in the diet of the elderly to improve health
17. Always read food labels to make healthy food choices.

Benefits of New Dietary Guidelines Published by ICMR

Do not touch these 5 foods.. This is the cause of half of the diseases.. Indian Council of Medical Research warns..!-oneindia news

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) have attempted to bring these guidelines to India by a multidisciplinary team of experts. It fights malnutrition. Gives long life in a healthy way.

This diet regimen is easy to follow. Foods are meant to provide nutrients and not to cause certain types of disease. These types of food will give you a better healthy life. Dietitian and nutritionist Parimaladevi Kumaraswamy explains the benefits of this. MSc (Human Nutrition & Metabolism) (UK) MSc (Foods and Nutrition) Parims Nutrition, Coimbatore.

Benefits of cutting down on bad foods

Do not touch these 5 foods.. This is the cause of half of the diseases.. Indian Council of Medical Research warns..!-oneindia news

Moderate use of oil and fat and reduction of salt and sugar are very beneficial for the body. Unhealthy foods are the main culprits in the risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes in the Indian population.

Benefits of increasing physical activity

Do not touch these 5 foods.. This is the cause of half of the diseases.. Indian Council of Medical Research warns..!-oneindia news

Exercise and physical activity are definitely needed by everyone. A balanced diet alone does not improve physical health. Obesity and associated health conditions are prevented when regular physical activity is combined with a balanced diet.

Nutritious foods

Do not touch these 5 foods.. This is the cause of half of the diseases.. Indian Council of Medical Research warns..!-oneindia news

A balanced diet recommends sources of macronutrients and micronutrients from at least 8 food groups. This aims to prevent micronutrient deficiencies for everyone.

Limiting processed foods

Do not touch these 5 foods.. This is the cause of half of the diseases.. Indian Council of Medical Research warns..!-oneindia news

Limiting ultra-processed foods is critical. It is important to limit the amount of highly processed foods in each doctor’s and research day’s diet. It contains sugar, salt, fat etc. It can be harmful. They deplete micronutrients and induce weight gain.

Taking care of food items

Do not touch these 5 foods.. This is the cause of half of the diseases.. Indian Council of Medical Research warns..!-oneindia news

One of the best practices when buying food is to check the product or ingredient labels. This way you can choose healthy food. Many other problems associated with obesity can be solved with careful dieting.

Avoid protein supplements

Do not touch these 5 foods.. This is the cause of half of the diseases.. Indian Council of Medical Research warns..!-oneindia news

Protein supplement is recommended for those who want to increase muscle mass in the body. But consuming high amounts of extra protein can cause problems such as bone loss and kidney damage. Research has found that protein supplementation provides small increases in muscle strength and size.

If you want to stay healthy and lead a disease free life then it is better to follow these ICMR dietary guidelines. At the same time it is better to avoid processed unhealthy junk food.