How much time can children be given phone every day.. This is the safest method..!

Earlier, children used to mean going outside to play. But kids nowadays hate going outside. Even if they want to go like that, their parents won’t let them.
So children have moved into the digital world of mobile phones, TV, laptops and video games. They spend time at home. Children’s physical activity has also decreased. We need to be aware of the consequences of children watching screens, even if they think they are quiet.

Increasing use of digital devices?

Children have started using these digital devices more and more during the Corona period. As they could not go out from home to play, they indulged in such hobbies to pass their time. And online classes made them spend more time on the computer. Also many parents avoid giving such digital devices to their children so as not to disturb them. But parents should not forget that this can seriously affect children.

Children under two years old!

For children below two years of age, completely cut down on mobile phone, laptop and TV viewing time. Don’t let them keep looking just because you want to. It is at this age that they can understand what sport is. In order for them to grow naturally we should avoid using such devices. Relationships improve when children play with others. Children learn about different things when they go outside and play. It is also said that children who spend too much time on mobile phones are likely to lose energy.

Two to five year old children

It’s best to avoid giving them digital devices at any age for the most part. Prolonged exposure to light can cause health problems. Glazing conditions may also occur soon. However, if the children need to know something related to studies, they can be given an hour to use such devices. They can use that time to develop their intellectual skills. Try to interject video games, watching TV, etc. within this hour.

The effects of using digital devices!

Children face various health effects due to spending too much time on digital devices. Visual impairment, computer vision syndrome, nearsightedness, color change deficiency, blurred vision, dry eyes etc. are some of the effects caused by excessive use of digital devices by children. Experts warn that when it reaches extreme levels, there are even chances of loss of eyesight. So parents should be a bit strict about their children’s use of digital devices.

How to distract children!

It is difficult to get children who use digital devices to engage in other activities. However, it is considered best to avoid giving it in the beginning. Do not allow children to use mobile phones for long hours at night. It has become a habit for some children to eat while watching mobile phones or TV during meals. Apart from that, learn to show nature and give food. Introduce other games to children. Recommend frequent blinks when children are forced to use digital devices to distract themselves. It helps prevent dry eyes.