Manorama’s commemorative event and Sandor and artist award ceremony

Manorama's commemorative event and Sandor and artist award ceremony-oneindia news

The great artists are often commemorated by the Malayak Kalai Kalasara Sangam (Rathnadeepam Organization) and nationally, writers, journalists, artists, etc., are also honored with testimonials.

So far more than 2000 artists have been recognized on that basis.

Recently, the memorial day of famous Indian cinematographer Manorama was celebrated at Chelaturai Memorial Hall, Kandy.

In the same Vaibhava, the 5th memorial event of Malaimaurasu author and late Veerakesari journalist Kalapusanam K.P.Sivam was also held. More than 20 artists were honored with awards on this occasion.

Mrs. Chandravatana Ratnaraja Gurus and Samen Nisamdeen, who were the special guests on the occasion, garlanded Manorama’s portrait.