Renowned director Sudha Kongara is famous for his Madhavan starrer Panduchuttu. This film brought him great success. After that, he directed the movie Surarai...
'Pre-release event of Rasawadi'!
Produced by DNA Mechanic Company & Saraswati Cine Creations, 'Rasawadi' is directed by Shanthakumar and stars actors Arjun Das and Tanya...
49President Ranil Wickremesinghe in a New 12 months message mentioned that social relations and solidarity emerge as elementary pillars important for steering the nation...
Pradeep Ranganathan : There are studies that Pradeep Ranganathan will take 10 crores as wage for his subsequent movie.
It may be mentioned that Pradeep,...
தனக்கு கலாநிதி பட்டம் இருப்பதாக கூறி மக்களையும் அரசாங்கத்தையும் ஏமாற்றிய தற்போதைய சபாநாயகர் அசோக சபுமல் ரன்வலவுக்கு எதிராக நம்பிக்கையில்லாத் தீர்மானம் கொண்டு வருவதற்கு ஐக்கிய மக்கள் சக்தி இன்று (13) நடவடிக்கை...