Terrible Earthquake in Peru: Tsunami Warning!

Terrible Earthquake in Peru: Tsunami Warning!-oneindia news

Tsunami Warning : In the South American country of Peru, people are panicking after a powerful earthquake struck today. According to the United States Geological Survey, the 7.2-magnitude quake shook homes and large buildings.

Due to this, the frightened people came out of their houses and took shelter on the road. A tsunami warning has been issued following the earthquake and people have been advised to stay safe.

The quake struck about eight kilometers east of Atiqiba, about 600 km south of the Peruvian capital Lima. As a result, the US Tsunami Warning System warned that waves of up to three meters (10 feet) could hit Peru’s coast following the earthquake.

In this case, the head of the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation, Gustavo Córdoba, predicted that there is a possibility of a tsunami impact in the local network Buckstrap.

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